Scented candle, magnolia, carrot seeds, vetiver
The magnolia tree in full flower behind the Duomo is one of the most beautiful expressions of spring in Milan: its branches covered in pink flowers stand out against the white marble of the main apse and scent the air with their unmistakable fragrance.
Its beauty is captured in the spring capsule collection by CULTI MILANO, Magnolia En Rose, making its Stile diffuser and the scented candle explode with the scent of roses and filling the room with sweet fragrance.
Fragrance | Magnolia En Rose |
Dimension | D 9 X H 9,5 cm |
Candle Capacity | 270gr |
Olfactory family | Floral |
Duration | 40h |
Magnolia En Rose is as soft and sweet as the spring air. The fragrance opens on the creamy notes of magnolia combined with the crispness of carrot seeds. Its primary fragrance acquires warmth in the deep heart of vetiver, before coming to rest on the fresh and aromatic ground notes of sandalwood.
CREATED | 2023 |
UFI: Y000 - Y01U - Y002 - NFW1
IT. CANDELA PROFUMATA - ATTENZIONE: H317 Può provocare una reazione allergica cutanea. H412 Nocivo per gli organismi acquatici con effetti di lunga durata. P280 Indossare guanti protettivi. P102 Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini. P261 Evitare di respirare la polvere / i fumi / i gas / la nebbia / i vapori / gli aerosol. P333+P313 In caso di irritazione o eruzione della pelle: consultare un medico. P101 In caso di consultazione di un medico, tenere a disposizione il contenitore o l’etichetta del prodotto. P362+P364 Togliere gli indumenti contaminati e lavarli prima di indossarli nuovamente. CONTIENE: 2-acetossi-2,3,8,8-tetrametilottaidronaftalene,citronellolo, -isometil ionone,metil cedril chetone,linalolo d-limonene, acetato di linalile.
EN. SCENTED CANDLE - WARNING: H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.P280 Wear protective gloves. P102 Keep out of reach of children. P261 Avoid breathing dust / fume / gas / mist / vapours / spray. P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice / attention. P101 If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. P362+P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. CONTAINS: 2-acetoxy-2,3,8,8 tetramethyloctahydronaphthalene,citronellol, -isomethyl ionone,methyl cedryl ketone,linalool d-limonene, linalyl acetate.
DE. DUFTKERZE - ACHTUNG: H317 Kann allergische Hautreaktionen verursachen. H412 Schädlich für Wasserorganismen, mit langfristiger Wirkung. P280 Schutzhandschuhe tragen. P102 Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen. P261 Einatmen von Staub / Rauch / Gas / Nebel / Dampf / Aerosol vermeiden. P333+P313 Bei Hautreizung oder -ausschlag: Ärztlichen Rat einholen / ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen. P101 Ist ärztlicher Rat erforderlich, Verpackung oder Kennzeichnungsetikett bereithalten. P362+P364 Kontaminierte Kleidung ausziehen und vor erneutem Tragen waschen. ENTHÄLT: 2-acetoxy-2,3,8,8 tetramethyloctahydronaphthalene,citronellol, -isomethyl ionone,methyl cedryl ketone,linalool d-limonen,linalyl acetate.
FR. BOUGIE PARFUMÉE - ATTENTION: H317 Peut provoquer une allergie cutanée. H412 Nocif pour les organismes aquatiques, entraîne des effets néfastes à long terme. P280 Porter gants de protection. P102 Tenir hors de portée des enfants. P261 Éviter de respirer les poussières / fumées / gaz / brouillards / vapeurs / aérosols. P333+P313 En cas d`irritation ou d'éruption cutanée: consulter un médecin. P101 En cas de consultation d`un médecin, garder à disposition le récipient ou l`étiquette. P362+P364 Enlever les vêtements contaminés et les laver avant réutilisation. CONTIENT: 2-acetoxy-2,3,8,8-tetramethyloctahydronaphthalene citronellol -isomethyl ionone methyl cedryl ketone linalool d-limonène linalyl acetate
ES. VELA PERFUMADA - ATENCIÓN: H317 Puede provocar una reacción alérgica en la piel. H412 Nocivo para los organismos acuáticos, con efectos nocivos duraderos. P280 Llevar guantes de protección. P102 Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. P261 Evitar respirar el polvo / el humo / el gas / la niebla / los vapores / el aerosol. P333+P313 En caso de irritación o erupción cutánea: Consultar a un médico. P101 Si se necesita consejo médico, tener a mano el envase o la etiqueta. P362+P364 Quitar las prendas contaminadas y lavarlas antes de volver a usarlas. CONTIENE: 2-acetoxy-2,3,8,8-tetramethyloctahydronaphthalene citronellol -isomethyl ionone methyl cedryl ketone linalol d-limoneno linalyl acetate
ATTENZIONE: non lasciare incustodita la candela quando è accesa. Tenere lontano dalla portata di bambini e animali. Conservare in posizione verticale. WARNING: do not leave lit candle unattended. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. Keep upright. ACHTUNG: die brennende kerze nie unbeaufsichtigt lassen. Von kindern und tieren fern halten. Stehend lagern. ATTENTION: ne pas laisser la bougie sans surveillance lorsqu’elle est allumée. Tenir hors de la portée des enfants et des animaux. Conserver en position verticale. ATENCIÓN: no dejar la vela encendida sin vigilancia: mantenerlafuera del alcance de niños y animales. Conservar en posición vertical.