Diffuser Stile 100ml Thé
Reed diffuser, sencha tea and guaiacum wood
Frosted glass bottles with ivory-coloured labels and cap in natural maple wood. The aesthetic character of the CULTI STILE line evokes purity and elegance. Thé: Soaking in the meditative warmth of a bath tub filled with Japanese green tea. Vapours rise hypnotically off the water, delicately diffusing and filling the room with the aroma of tea leaves.
Fragrance | Thé |
Dimension | L 8 x P 8 x H 22 cm |
Collection | Stile |
Olfactory family | Aromatic |
Duration | 1 month |
Square footage | 5mq |
The tea ceremony, slow and meditative. Hypnotic gestures of an ancient tradition performed one by one in a symbolic ritual. A balanced and pure blend of bergamot and Japanese green Sencha tea, complemented by a note of guaiacum wood.
A tribute to slowness.
CREATED | 1997 |
UFI: FQ10 - 20UT - 200Y - W9JA
IT: FRAGRANZA PER AMBIENTE. Ingredienti: alcohol denat., aqua, parfum. PERICOLO: H225 Liquido e vapori facilmente infiammabili. H319 Provoca grave irritazione oculare. H317 Può provocare una reazione allergica cutanea. P501 Smaltire il prodotto / recipiente in conformità ai regolamenti locali. P210 Tenere lontano da fonti di calore, superfici calde, scintille, fiamme libere o altre fonti di accensione. Non fumare. P280 Indossare guanti / indumenti protettivi e proteggere gli occhi / il viso. P101 In caso di consultazione di un medico, tenere a disposizione il contenitore o l'etichetta del prodotto. P370+P378 In caso d’incendio: utilizzare estintori chimici per estinguere. P102 Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini. CONTIENE: 2-Phenylmethyleneoctanal;(R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIENE; Linalyl acetate; Geraniol; Citronellol; Linalool.
EN: ROOM FRAGRANCE. Ingredients: denatured alcohol, aqua, parfum. DANGER: H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour. H319 Causes serious eye irritation. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. P501 Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. P210 Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking. P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection / face protection. P101 If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. P370+P378 In case of fire: use chemical extinguisher to extinguish. P102 Keep out of reach of children. CONTAINS: 2-Phenylmethyleneoctanal; (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIENE; Linalyl acetate; Geraniol; Citronellol; Linalool.
DE: RAUMDUFT. Inhaltsstoffe: denat. Alkohol, Wasser, Parfüm. GEFÄHR: H225 Flüssigkeit und Dampf leicht entzündbar. H319 Verursacht schwere Augenreizung. H317 Kann allergische Hautreaktionen verursachen. P501 Inhalt/Behälter gemäß den örtlichen Vorschriften zuführen. P210 Von Hitze/ Funken/ offener Flamme/heißen Oberflächen fernhalten. Nicht rauchen. P280 Schutzhandschuhe/Schutzkleidung/Augenschutz/ Gesichtsschutz tragen. P101 Ist ärztlicher Rat erforderlich, Verpackung oder Kennzeichnungsetikett bereithalten. P370+P378 Bei Brand: chemische Feuerlöscher zum Löschen verwenden. P102 Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen. ENTHÄLT: 2-Phenylmethyleneoctanal; (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIEN; Linalylacetat; Geraniol; Citronellol; Linalool.
FR: PARFUM D’AMBIANCE. Ingrédients: alcool dénaturé, aqua, parfum. DANGER: H225 Liquide et vapeurs très inflammables. H319 Liquide et vapeurs très inflammables. H317 Peut provoquer une allergie cutanée. P501 Éliminer le contenu/ récipient conformément aux réglementations locales. P210 Tenir à l’écart de la chaleur/des étincelles/des flammes nues/des surfaces chaudes. Ne pas fumer. P280 Porter des gants de protection/des vêtements de protection/un équipement de protection des yeux/ du visage. P101 En cas de consultation d’un médecin, garder à disposition le récipient ou l’étiquette. P370+P378 En cas d’incendie: Utiliser extincteurs chimiques pour l’extinction. P102 Conserver hors de la portée des enfants. CONTIENT: 2-Phénylméthylèneoctanal; (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIÈNE; Linalyl acétate; Géraniol; Citronellol; Linalool.
ES: FRAGRANCIA DE HOGAR. Ingredientes: alcohol desnat., agua y perfume. PELIGRO: H225 Líquido y vapores muy inflamables. H319 Provoca irritación ocular grave. H317 Puede provocar una reacción alérgica en la piel. P501 Eliminar el contenido/el recipiente de acuerdo con las regulaciones locales. P210 Mantener alejado de fuentes de calor, chispas, llama abierta o superficies calientes. No fumar. P280 Llevar guantes/ prendas/ gafas/ máscara de protección. P101 Si se necesita consejo médico, tener a mano el envase o la etiqueta. P370+P378 En caso de incendio: Utilizar extintores quimicos para la extinción. P102 Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. CONTIENE: 2 - Phenylmetilenooctanal; (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIENE; Acetato de linalilo; Geraniol; Citronellol; Linalool.
RO: PARFUM AMBIENT. Ingrediente: alcool denaturat, aqua, parfum. PERICOL: H225 Lichid si vapori foarte inflamabili. H319 Provoaca o iritare grava a ochilor. H317 Poate provoca o reac ie alergica a pielii. P501 Arunca i continutul/ recipientul în conformitate cu reglementarile locale. P210 A se pastra departe de surse de caldura/ scântei/ flacari deschise/suprafe e încinse. Fumatul interzis. P280 Purta i manusi de protectie/ îmbracaminte de protectie/ echipament de protectie a ochilor/ echipament de protec ie a fe ei. P101 Daca este necesara consultarea medicului, tineti la îndemâna recipientul sau eticheta produsului. P370+P378În caz de incendiu: a se utiliza extinctoare chimice pentru a stinge. P102 A nu se lasa la îndemâna copiilor. CONTINUT: 2-fenilmetilenoctanal; (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIENA; Acetat de linalil; Geraniol; Citronelol; Linalool.
Diffuser Decor 250ml Thé€63.00
Diffuser Green ThéAs low as €73.00