Diffuser Stile Supreme Amber
Reed diffuser, incense, patchouli and black vanilla
Frosted glass bottles with ivory-coloured labels and cap in natural maple wood. The aesthetic character of the CULTI STILE line evokes purity and elegance. Supreme Amber: a soft sunset at the end of September in the middle of a park, when the summer slowly fades into autumn. The warm atmosphere made sparkling by a fresh breeze.
Instructions | Istruzioni |
Fragrance | Supreme Amber |
Collection | Stile |
Olfactory family | Orientale |
Supreme Amber tells the atmosphere of a soft sunset in the end of September: imagine a walk in a park lit by warm colors, the air sparkling announcing the arrival of a new season. Supreme Amber is the invitation to live a passing moment in all its complex essence; to enter into an unexpected change with determination and sweet abandonment.
The warm and intense background of incense and patchouli is softened by the precious black vanilla and made fresh by the lively opening of cyst and chinotto: a complex and deeply rich fragrance, perfect to tell the thousand facets of a magic moment.
CREATED | 2019 |
UFI: 5F10 - J0SM - 500G - W8T4
DANGER: Highly flammable liquid and vapour. H319 Causes serious eye irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. CONTAINS: Linalool, Bicyclo(3.1.1)Hept-2-ene,2,6,6 - Trimethyl-,(1s) - , Ethoxymethoxy cyclododecane May produce an allergic reaction. Dispose of contents/ container to local rulements. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking. Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. In case of fire: use chemical extinguisher to extinguish. CONTAINS: (R)-P-MENTHA-1,8-DIENE.

Switching the reeds. The frequency with which the reeds need to be switched, determines the intensity of the fragrance, the more they are being switched, the stronger the fragrance will be. To moderate the fragrance’s diffusion, you may overturn only few reeds at a time.
The duration of the fragrance. he dimensions of the space, the high temperature, the direct sunlight, the exposure to air currents are factors that can accelerate the evaporation and therefore reduce the duration of the fragrance. Position the diffuser away from light, heat sources and currents and evaluate the format of the diffuser according to the appropriate size of the space.
Suggestions for an endless fragrance. In order to prolong the duration and reduce the evaporation of the fragrance, it is recommended to keep the liquid in the bottle at the level of the curve. It will be sufficient to purchase a refill of the same fragrance and to pour it frequently into the bottle.
UFI: 5F10 - J0SM - 500G - W8T4
IT: FRAGRANZA PER AMBIENTE. Ingredienti: alcohol denat., aqua, parfum. PERICOLO: H225 Liquido e vapori facilmente infiammabili. H319 Provoca grave irritazione oculare. H317 Può provocare una reazione allergica cutanea. H412 Nocivo per gli organismi acquatici con effetti di lunga durata. P501 Smaltire il prodotto/ recipiente in conformità ai regolamenti locali. P102 Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini. P210 Tenere lontano da fonti di calore, superfici calde, scintille, fiamme libere o altre fonti di accensione. Non fumare. P280 Indossare guanti/ indumenti protettivi e proteggere gli occhi/ il viso. P101 In caso di consultazione di un medico, tenere a disposizione il contenitore o l'etichetta del prodotto. P370+P378 In caso d’incendio: utilizzare estintori chimici per estinguere. CONTIENE: (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIENE; Linalool; Ethoxymethoxy cyclododecane.
EN: ROOM FRAGRANCE. Ingredients: denatured alcohol, aqua, parfum. DANGER: H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour. H319 Causes serious eye irritation. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. P501 Dispose of contents/ container in accordance with local regulations. P102 Keep out of reach of children. P210 Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking. P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection. P101 If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. P370+P378 In case of fire: use chemical extinguisher to extinguish. CONTAINS: (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIENE; Linalool; Ethoxymethoxy cyclododecane.
DE: RAUMDUFT Inhaltsstoffe: denat. Alkohol, Wasser, Parfüm. GEFÄHR: H225 Flüssigkeit und Dampf leicht entzündbar. H319 Verursacht schwere Augenreizung. H317 Kann allergische Hautreaktionen verursachen. H412 Schädlich für Wasserorganismen, mit langfristiger Wirkung. P501 Inhalt/Behälter gemäß den örtlichen Vorschriften zuführen. P102 Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen. P210 Von Hitze/Funken/offener Flamme/ heißen Oberflächen fernhalten. Nicht rauchen. P280 Schutzhandschuhe/Schutzkleidung/Augenschutz/Gesichtsschutz tragen. P101 Ist ärztlicher Rat erforderlich, Verpackung oder Kennzeichnungsetikett bereithalten. P370+P378 Bei Brand: chemische Feuerlöscher zum Löschen verwenden. ENTHÄLT: (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIEN; Linalool; Ethoxymethoxy Cyclododecan.
FR: PARFUM D’AMBIANCE. Ingrédients: alcool dénaturé, aqua, parfum. DANGER: H225 Liquide et vapeurs très inflammables. H319 Liquide et vapeurs très inflammables. H317 Peut provoquer une allergie cutanée. H412 Nocif pour les organismes aquatiques, entraîne des effets néfastes à long terme. P501 Éliminer le contenu/ récipient conformément aux réglementations locales. P102 Conserver hors de la portée des enfants. P210 Tenir à l’écart de la chaleur/ des étincelles/des flammes nues/ des surfaces chaudes. Ne pas fumer. P280 Porter des gants de protection/ des vêtements de protection/ un équipement de protection des yeux/ du visage. P101 En cas de consultation d’un médecin, garder à disposition le récipient ou l’étiquette. P370+P378 En cas d’incendie: Utiliser extincteurs chimiques pour l’extinction. CONTIENT: (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIÈNE; Linalool; Ethoxyméthoxy cyclododécane.
ES: FRAGRANCIA DE HOGAR. Ingredientes: alcohol desnat., agua y perfume. PELIGRO: H225 Líquido y vapores muy inflamables. H319 Provoca irritación ocular grave. H317 Puede provocar una reacción alérgica en la piel. H412 Nocivo para los organismos acuáticos, con efectos nocivos duraderos. P501 Eliminar el contenido/el recipiente de acuerdo con las regulaciones locales.l rulements. P102 Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. P210 Mantener alejado de fuentes de calor, chispas, llama abierta o superficies calientes. No fumar. P280 Llevar guantes/ prendas/ gafas/ máscara de protección. P101 Si se necesita consejo médico, tener a mano el envase o la etiqueta. P370+P378 En caso de incendio: Utilizar extintores quimicos para la extinción. CONTIENE: (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIENE; Linalool; Ethoxymethoxy cyclododecane.
RO: PARFUM AMBIENT. Ingrediente: alcool denaturat, aqua, parfum. PERICOL: H225 Lichid si vapori foarte inflamabili. H319 Provoaca o iritare grava a ochilor. H317 Poate provoca o reactie alergica a pielii.H412 Nociv pentru mediul acvatic cu efecte pe termen lung. P501 Arunca i continutul/ recipientul în conformitate cu reglementarile locale. P102 A nu se lasa la îndemâna copiilor. P210 A se pastra departe de surse de caldura/ scântei/ flacari deschise/ suprafe e încinse. Fumatul interzis. P280 Purta i manusi de protec ie/ îmbracaminte de protectie/ echipament de protectie a ochilor/ echipament de protectie a fe ei. P101 Daca este necesara consultarea medicului, tineti la îndemâna recipientul sau eticheta produsului. P370+P378 În caz de incendiu: a se utiliza extinctoare chimice pentru a stinge. CONTINUT: (R)-P-MENTA-1,8-DIENA;Linalool; Ciclododecan etoximetoxi-ciclododecan.